Dreams happen for A reason
Where do i beginning about dreams i hold on to Here’s
where it all started i was about 10 years old and was in school my teacher ask
me to write down some dreams i had and wanted to do when i grew up i first i
had to think about in for a minute. what dreams do i have that i want to
do when i grow up the teacher hand us a piece of paper and i started my list of
dreams that i wanted to do when i grew up and one dreams that i still hold on
to this very day is having a restaurant that i could call mine when it
came Christmas time every year i always put on my Christmas list that was
cooking things like a kitchen set and supply's to practices on i tried so hard
to get a kitchen set and supply's i wanted one so bad so i finally got one i
practiced everyday with what i had i was like this is what i want to be when i
grew up it.when i got in to middle school and high school that dream of mind
fell flat i stopped holding on to that dream i thought at that time it wasn't
going to happen not to me i was too short and small to do anything like that
but one day i was at a restaurant with a group of friends having lunch
and we were all sitting around talking about if we were going to college and if
we were what were we going to take one of my friends says " i am going to
take nursing so i can become a doctor one day" i said "that’s a good
idea you would be a great doctor" then i thought for a second and
said to all my friends “ I want to go to college to become a business woman so I can have one day
a restaurant I can call mind “ so we left the restaurant and I went home and
told my parents and they suggested I go work at a real restaurant so you can
get the fill of it first I told them that’s a great idea . The next day I called
ok café it’s a restaurant here it town if I could work for them for a few days
so I could get the fill for what’s it’s like to become a business person they
were more than willing to teach me what they could the few days I would be
there I went in two days later I learned a lot from that few days i was there
not enough yet to run a real restaurant so after that I decided to go to college to do some more
learning on becoming a business person this is the dream I hold on to and still
hold on to this very day it wasn’t easy holding this dream for so long then
losing it then getting it back but from that very first day I know one day I will
be successful it hasn’t happened yet but it will come just have to keep holding
on to this one dream of mine
544 words
When you say, "then i thought for a second and said to all my friends “ I want to go to college to become a business woman so I can have one day a restaurant I can call mind “ It really told your dream and what you want to do.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that may have strengthened your writing is if you explained a bit more about what made you find your motivation again. You said you were at a restaurant, but did something happen that made your dream come back? Overall it was great!